Sunday, May 29, 2016

P10 final sequence

I spent a good while sequencing the images. First things first, I printed out all my photographs from all of my shoots (I find it so much easier to see what I'm looking at if they're printed out and I can physically move things around). I started by looking at all the objects in relation to the brownie recipe I have and started to pick out everything that you might need to be able to make them. I laid them all out roughly in the order you would need them. I then looked at the different backgrounds as I wanted a regular sequence of the different patterns. More by luck that judgement I think, it all worked out fairly well, there was only a few that didn't fit which I re-shot. Ideally I would have re-shot all of the objects on all of the backgrounds to give my self all the options but I just didn't have time, especially since my final submission for the module is going to be a photo book so I needed to allow enough time for that to get printed. 
P10 final sequence
P10 final sequence
P10 final sequence
P10 final sequence
P10 final sequence
P10 final sequence
P10 final sequence
P10 final sequence
P10 final sequence
P10 final sequence
P10 final sequence
P10 final sequence

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