Tuesday, July 29, 2014

My first ever portfolio

There came a time when I was in year 11 to consider what I wanted to do after my GCSE's and I decided that I wanted to study photography full time. So I left school and started a course at college. Before I was offered a place I had to attend an interview with a portfolio, and this is it.
butterfly farm
butterfly farm
coventry cathedral
coventry cathedral
coventry cathedral
coventry cathedral
pink flower
yellow flower
purple flowers
red leaves
snowy leaves
snow man
kenilworth castle
kenilworth castle
kenilworth castle

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Coventry Cathedral

This was my first "proper" photographic type project although really, it was a year 7 R.E homework project. At this point I knew absolutely nothing about photography and basically wondered around Coventry's cathedrals with only the second digital camera my parents had ever owned, taking photos I thought looked nice. 

Coventry is privileged enough to have 2 cathedrals which are, inventively called by local coventrians the "old cathedral" and the "new cathedral"! The "old cathedral" is a ruin having been bombed during the World war 2 blitz, hence the "new cathedral" was built in 1955.
the old cathedral
cathedral windows
bishop sarcophagus
fragments of stained glass
new through old
old and new
the cross on the roof
the large stained glass window
choir practice
sunlight on organ pipes
the tapestry
remembrance candle
stained glass windows
crown of thorns sculpture
fountains in front of cathedral
You might recognise this final image from my previous post!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

How it all started

When I was 13 my mum sent a couple of pictures I had taken to the local newspaper and they were published! It's safe to say that I was quite chuffed and I started to believe that I might actually be not to bad at this taking photos business.
Kenilworth castle
Coventry cathedral fountains
photo's in newspaper